Jan 11, 2013

2009-06-02 Jones Beach I

Well, this was just really bad. I hope nights two and three are better, because it actually hurt me to listen to this, I think. In fact, I'm so disgusted that instead of writing an actual review, I'm just going to paste my notes below:

runaway jim, foam pairing not as awesome as it looks. trey seems lost finding notes for solos

stealing time - meh, except for the fact that it's a debut

happy to hear timber here, but there are better versions.

cities devolves into a standard funk jam

i like driver!

trey totally mutilates the fugue section of reba, and not in a good way. the jam is really sparse for the first few minutes, might actually be interesting if you're into that sort of thing.

everyone forgets how to play farmhouse

weird version of if i could, with fishman playing a marching beat instead of the usual. song proper is played poorly, but the jam is maybe the show highlight.

mike's song has some decent shredding, but the segue into simple is fugly.

simple is kinda pretty.

nevermind, this mike's groove is an abortion.

amazing AMAZING ambient hood jam, why the hell did this have to close such a terrible show?! this should definitely go on some best-of '09 mix, if i make one.

Yes, the "Hood" is the business, and you should check it out at all costs. The "If I Could" is a curiosity, but otherwise...just stay away from this one.

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