May 29, 2013


I bet you thought that was a Bowie reference.

As you might have noticed, the blog has changed dramatically in terms of appearance and functionality. I woke up this morning and saw that I still haven't received the specifics of my first assignment for my new employer, and so I decided to use the three-hour window of free time that had suddenly opened to Do Stuff To The Blog To Make It Better. Hopefully it worked. Here are the probably-painfully-obvious-but-important changes:

1. There is an actual picture of Phish playing a concert in the background of the blog, instead of that shitty stock photo I had up before. Blogger still, mystifyingly, requires that all background images be under 300k in size while suggesting that you upload an image that is at least 1800 x 1600. So I shrunk down a massive photo and then compressed it until it was 299k in size. So it's a little grainy, but Google is silly and I couldn't make a better-resolution background because SAD.

2. I changed the template and color scheme of the entire blog. Now it's blue and grey instead of that eye-watering red/orange/white combination I had going before. Also, the "Dynamic" template is gone, as most of the options it provided looked like total unnavigable shit. Instead, I've chosen to make this blog look and work suspiciously like my other blog.

3. Now there's an easy-to-find list on the sidebar that helps you read by tour, just above the archive of all of my posts thus far.

4. Maybe most importantly, there's now a list of "Favorite Sources" in the sidebar. In most posts thus far, I've been including links, and YouTube videos where possible. The sources list doesn't include all the channels I've used videos from, but it does list a few of the best and most comprehensive. As there aren't a lot of videos from '09 to choose from (and many that do exist have embedding turned off, or were cut up oddly because of YouTube's old 10-minute limit), I've also started using PhishTracks links to stream songs I want readers to be able to hear ASAP, so there's a link to there as well. Basically, I wanted to give credit to the people whose work I've been resharing, and this list seemed like the best way to accomplish that.

And now, since I've already posted "Changes," I feel like I'd be remiss if I didn't include "Wolfman" also:
Which of course then makes it mandatory to include this, as well:
See? Everything eventually leads back to Phish.

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